Monday, 18 August 2014

Note: Focal length. (2) (WK 5)

Change in focal length as well as where I was standing:
Focal length- 18.0mm
Focal length- 24.0mm
Focal length- 55.0mm
Focal length- 34/5.0mm

 ISO 100
 For this exercise I moved around as I changed the focal length to try and keep the figure the same size
 in the frame each time i took the photograph.
 There is a lot more depth in the background of the
 top two photographs and this changes in the bottom two. The bottom two are more focused on her, but as I'm trying to keep her relatively the same size there is still some depth in the background. What I could see from this was that change in focal length as well as position is important in producing a good photograph. It was easy to stand in one spot and just take the picture, but moving around gave me a little more freedom within the frame.

Self Directed: Different Focal lengths.
ISO 100- F/4.5-1/60-35.0mm
ISO 100-F/4.0-1/60-18.0mm

ISO 100-F/5.6-1/60-55.0mm
These are just a few of the images I have done in my own time, each has a different focal length as was the aim of this activity, but they also incorporate other techniques as well, i.e vantage point, depth of field.

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