Here are some photographs I'd done during my practice, they are from no particular week, just a few I've found and decided to share. There is a mixture or all the practices we've learnt in class including:
-Contrasting/Complimentary colours
-Over/under exposed backgrounds
-Positive/Negative space
-Split lighting
ISO 100-F/8-1/80 |
ISO 100-F/8-1/80 |
ISO 100-F/8-1/100 |
ISO 100-F/8-1/100 |
These are a selection of some of my favourite images done in my own time. The first two photographs are a good show of narrow depths of field as well as complimentary/contrasting colours. I found the colours quite beautiful and for that, I included them here. The two images that followed where a show of shutter. There is some motion blur in the images, which was purposeful. I wanted the shutter to be fast enough that it would get the clouds, but slow enough that it would blur the darkened lower half which contained trees, fences, power polls and such.
ISO 100-F/8-1/100 |
ISO 400-F/8-1/100
The black and white image of the bench was not originally black and white. I changed it because of how contrasty the original image was. The photograph suits black and white more than it did colour, the colours were dull and washed out, but I liked the photograph. It was another spur of the moment photograph, but for some reason it stuck out from the rest. It could be an exampled of positive and negative space, it's not as obvious, but the subject matter in this photograph is very obvious, so it kind of works in this aspect. I guess you could say it is a use of leading lines, the lines leading the eye all around the image, in and out of the frame. The image of my puppy is the best example I have of split lighting. In this case I used the natural light to the right of the image. When I took the image I hadn't intended on this, but when I saw it on my computer later, it was the first thing that came to mind which is why I included it.
Aperture priority: AV
ISO 100-F/5.6-1/80 |
ISO 100-F/5.6-1/80 |
Aperture is something I look at quite a lot now that I can use it properly. AV mode is extremely useful in situations where you don't have a lot of time to set up M mode and just need to take the shot. This wasn't the case with these photos, I just used it to practice using the different modes. I like the image on the left more than the one on the right, it seems so different from every other image I too that day and the shadows really make the pink pop. The colours in the image compliment each other quite nicely and the narrow depth of field has created a nice effect in the background of the image.
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