Monday, 21 July 2014

Photography Statement: What is photography and what does it mean to you? (WK 1)

What is photography? Photography is the capturing of an image; this can be something as simple as a book or as extravagant as a formal group photo. Photography has many different variations, from landscape to portraiture, photography takes a wide set of skills and ideas.There are many things that create a photograph, it is not always about theme or subject matter, a lot more goes into capturing a really good photo. There is lighting, shadow, backdrop, focal points, colour and a range of other things to consider when taking a photograph with purpose, but a good balance of all of these things combined produces a photograph worth looking at.

What is photography to me? Photography is a form of expression, a way to show someone exactly what you are thinking without having to say a thing. A good photograph does all the work for you. Photography is something that i have a passion for, it is able to describe a setting or person in ways I cannot. Photography has opened my eyes, but it's also given me an outlet. I am free to express myself within my photos and anyone viewing them could be none the wiser to their meaning. Not all of my photos have intent, it is not that I always go out looking to take a photograph of something specific, but there are times where I'll come across something, be it a place or just something little, and I'll come away with a slightly random, but really good photograph. Although I have a love for words, photography is the one thing that always manages to leave me a little speechless.

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